How to Dream Big & Tap Into Your Boundless Creativity

Feel Enoughness, Balance and Confidence with Natasha Koo:

In this fifth empowering chat with the award-winning author and psychotherapist, Cindy Stone, our host, Natasha Koo, share what exactly creativity is and how it is essential to feeling alive.

Not only does Natasha share her story of struggling with the newfound freedom of self-expression, this episode will also reveal to you why change and stepping out of our comfort zone can be comfortable and why that’s perfectly alright.

Find out how to unleash your creativity, be inspired by your own genius and unblock any rigid mindset or habits by getting Cindy’s guided meditation to expand your creative range!

The show notes showcase Cindy’s powerful meditation for expanding your creative allowance and fulfillment.

The show notes page, transcript, and free meditation are located here: